Minimus has hit the proverbial nail on the head with the observation that expecting small children to sit quietly and still for hour-after-hour-after-boring-hour is inhumane!
That - coupled with all their talk about "The Rod" - tends witness parents to overdo the corporal punishment bit:
- I know that I did!
(Of the many regrets that I have about having been one of Them, this is by far the worst).
Interestingly, my father resisted pressure from our JW grandmother to bring us up as witnesses, because he saw through this fallacy from the start.
(Good on him for wising up to that one, silly b-g--r me for not.)
All I can say is no wonder that most JW children end up telling collectively:
- their parents,
- the elders,
- the WTS,
- Plus the Watch Tower Society's version of God; what to do with its religion!
Reefton Jack
JoinedPosts by Reefton Jack
Did You Overly Discipline Your Kids Because Of Being A Witness?
by minimus ini knew a lot of jws that "beat" their child with the "rod" as a preferred "scriptural" form of punishment.
corporal punishment was the norm while growing up......were you given the "rod" often?
did you overly discipline your children??
Reefton Jack
by minimus inwhile you were a jw, were you generally feeling ill?
------did you know of persons that were initially pretty healthy but got depressed and sick because they never felt they could do enough??
Reefton Jack
While I generally did not suffer ill health while a JW, my wife of the time - and also my two daughters - suffered badly.
My wife had just about everything wrong with her that it is possible to have - plus several more things that medicine is only just learning about now!
The daughters were diagnosed as having CFS (misleadingly referred to as "Tapanui Flu" back then) by the time they were in their early teens.
Everyone, it seemed, had CFS:
- Pioneers, Elders, Elders Wives, you name them; they had it.
Interestingly, in the 12 years since I broke with them, I have not heard of ANYONE
who suffers from CFS.
If there is such a thing as "JW Sickness" - it would have to be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!
Jack. -
What kind of Ex-dub are you?
by MsMcDucket inright now, i can't figure it out.
i'm still scared to say anything to offend my daughters.
i don't want them to cut me off completely, so does that make me a weak ex-dub?
Reefton Jack
avidbiblereader - as far as I am concerned, you have hit the proverbial "nail on the head".
i.e The issue is, what sort of a person you are.
It is not for me to judge how better a person I have become since breaking with the Dubs 12 years ago
- but I know one thing, it is not for want of trying!
Jack. -
What EMOTIONS are evoked when you hear about or see JARACZ
by What-A-Coincidence infor those who don't know who theodore jaracz is ...he is the current "president" of the wtbts.
<<<< see pic!
and tell dr. wac how you feel about the pic.. you won't find many pics of jaracz smiling by the way.
Reefton Jack
If the God you are referring to is the same god as the WTS would have us believe in;
then that so-and-so has a lot of fast talking to do, as well!
Jack. -
What EMOTIONS are evoked when you hear about or see JARACZ
by What-A-Coincidence infor those who don't know who theodore jaracz is ...he is the current "president" of the wtbts.
<<<< see pic!
and tell dr. wac how you feel about the pic.. you won't find many pics of jaracz smiling by the way.
Reefton Jack
I have heard it claimed that the Art of Diplomacy is defined as :
"Being able to tell someone to 'Go to Hell' in such a manner that they actually look forward to the journey!"
Mention of Ted Jaracz's name will always bring to mind how he beautifully handled a Smart-A#%$ T.V. Commentator after the 1978 International Assembly at Auckland, NZ.
- While Lloyd Barry sat by and came over as a complete Knuckle-Head, Ted Jaracz told this superscilious T.V. Interviewer to variously "Get F###ed", "Shove his head up his
A#%$," "Bite his Bum," " Go to Buggery", "Go to Hell" - or All of the Above;
- but done in such a manner as the Twerp must have indeed almost looked forward to the journey.
(Sorry folks for saying something positive about Jaracz - if it helps any, I will send a photo of Reefton Jack; that you can fasten to your dart board!)
I guess what I am trying to say is that I was - at the time -very impressed with Ted Jaracz's ability to talk his way out of anything!
Jack. -
Notes from recent CO meeting with elders/ms
by Doubting Bro infor some reason, i can't cut & past from word.
Reefton Jack
With reference to SSPO's remarks about how young some where when appointed elders:
- The youngest age that I knew of a "brother" being appointed elder at was 19.
This was late 1972, when the "elder arrangement" (sorry for the JW-speak!) had just been implemented.
This person's only claim to fame was that he got on very well with the old "Congregation Servant."
- In another congregation at that same time,I knew of a 21 year old being appointed as an elder.
His qualifications for the position were identical to the ones that the 19 year old had
- i.e. he was very good mates with the Congregation Servant.
The subject of this thread - Notes from the recent C.O. Meeting with Elders and Servants - doesn't make any mention being a member of the Old Boys Club.
In my experience that one was the most essential of the lot, if you wanted to make MS or Elder!
Jack. -
Why is it so many Men agree to take on the Position of an Elder?
by restrangled ini just wonder because with the stresses of earning a living, taking care of immediate family, and getting in little free time that is available, why would anyone want to take on this extra job at no charge, answer to more bosses, and be submited to endless critisizing behind your back for decisions.
it just seems crazy.. r..
Reefton Jack
Many thanks, ithinkisee:
- I now at last understand what it was that drove me on to "Reach Out", as they say in JW Speak
i.e. the (desparate) need for approval.
Finally-Free and Blondie:
I (unfortunately) know only too well what you are saying - how men are held in contempt once they have been "In the truth"/ (in the lie?) ten years or more and hold no position.
Christian love at work?
-like #@$%^ing Hell it is!
Jack. -
by DannyHaszard inthis is again top ranked news for jw keywords worldwide.
ex-elder can't control sex urges.
"he masturbates and fantasizes, so of course, he'd touch a girl.
Reefton Jack
Of course he can be an elder:
-as long as he enters the minimum nunber required on that column on the Monthly Report that is entitled
Still - what can you expect when the sole judge of a person's worth is that paritcular column on that particular report in general? -
by chuckyy inim sitting here today thinking:.
"my daughter should have had open heart surgery years ago and she would have been too young to know anything about it.
instead, she is about to face it now....the surgeons were relectant to do it when we were jws and she was so young.
Reefton Jack
YES - they did!
It is no good trying to pretend otherwise.
Since breaking with them 12 years ago, I have been in the process of rebuilding my life.
I am maybe not quite there yet, although I have made significant progress towards that.
- While I will always remain open to suggestions; there is no way that I can see that one can recover the 28 years that I was subject to the WTS madness.
As Zagor say, 'Wuck the Fatchtower." -
Do you dream you are back in the Borg?
by uriah ini have depressingly frequent dreams of being back in the borg.
i am out on the work thinking why am i here i don't do this anymore.
i am in kingdom halls with my mag - underlined!